Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Nightly Megathread #108

Welcome to the Discord's Domain Chapel. Reverend Hyperdudeman here. I welcome you on this joyous occasion. Now, if you'd be so kind as to join the rest of the guests after the page break.
For all those not interested in the wedding

The Mane Event:

Dear friends, we gather here today to celebrate a joyous occasion, the union of Miss Twilight Sparkle and Mr. Robotbob123. It is a joyous occasion, a long time in the coming. There have been many trials along the way. Violence, explosions, duels, near-deaths, breakdowns, jumping to old posts, at least one murder, and an Italian restaurant with a French waiter.

But in the end love has won through. We have arrived at last. Mr. Bob is here with me right now as we await the arrival of the bride. Ah. Here we are.

Now we can begin. The two of are here to profess your undying love for each other and join together in a sacred union. I understand you two have written your own vows. Very well. Mr. Bob. Go ahead.